My son, Dukkie (pronounced Ducky) and his partner Shalyhn welcomed their first child Nola in October of 2011. Nola is our first granddaughter and I wanted to do something to chronicle life around her, so of course I decided on trading cards. I started making cards for her. You can tell in the cards of her Mom and Dad that I made a few design changes, but settled on the design you see on Dukkies' card. The first card is Nola right after she was born, then her Mom and Dad. I then people who were in office when Nola was born. She was born and lives in Eugene, Oregon but visits Portland a lot. Sam Adams is the mayor of Portland, John Kitzhaber is the Governor of Oregon, you all know who Obama is, Kitty Piercy is Mayor of Eugene, Oregon. Peter DeFazio is the US representative for the Eugene area and Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkeley are the US Senators from Oregon.

Then come family members, my wife and I, Nola at 6 months, our dog who fiercely protects Nola when she is here. Then our other son and his girlfriend, and Shalyhns' sister and her husband.

I also have made backs for all of the cards here is a sample of them. I am waiting for pictures of Shalyhns' parents and will add as Nola reaches milestones and things happen throughout her life. I sent a few of the political cards out for signatures, so far the Governor, President and Senator Wyden have not responded.