I haven't seen a card of my all time favorite Padre in awhile, so I decided to make my first Padrograph card of a non Padre. Tim also took only ten days to sign the card and return it to me. Tim signed both of the cards that I sent him.
Last night I got the last ever call on our land line. It was a friend saying that they had gotten some returned mail for me. When I sent out letters asking for signatures I usually put a return address of one of our friends who has lived in the same place for many, many years. We had moved since I sent this request out so it went to them. It is a return address that I haven't used for about six years so this card took a long time coming back to me. It is the second card I have gotten back in the mail.
Rad O-Dog.
alas, i am jealous as i will never have a dodger card signed by hudson. he refuses to sign dodger stuff, but is nice about it.
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