Sunday, March 16, 2025

1957 Topps Non Sports

 I have started in on my 1957 Non Sports sets.  I am working on Robin Hood, Planes, Space, Hit Stars and Isolation Booth.  I managed to pick up a lot of forty cards for the Planes set.  I also picked up a small lot of the isolation booth cards.  The planes set comes in two different color backs, Blue and Red, I am making a combined set.  I don't card about condition, some are pretty bad. Here is where I am with each set.

17/88 for 19% of Isolation Booth

1/60 for 2% of Robin Hood

9/88 for 10%  of Hit Stars, this will be the third time I have built this set.

1/88 for 1% of Space

38/88 for 32% of Planes.

I was going to look for some more at the card show at the Oregon Convention Center but it was a big disappointment.  I waited in line to park.  I had a prepaid ticket but had to wait in line to get a wristband, then another line to get in.  When I did get in I basically  turned around and left.  The promoter severly underestimated the crowd.  The show was over capacity within the first ten minutes.  I couldn't tell what vendors were there or what they had to offer because the crowds were so thick.  


Ginko-5 said...

Stinks about the card show. Good luck on the sets! The planes look awesome.

OhioTim said...

Good luck on completing these sets!

Fuji said...

Sorry to hear about the show. Over capacity is the kind of thing that triggers my anxiety. I could handle one or two customers per vendor... but shows where people are packed in like sardines is a no-go for me.

P.S. Best of luck on these 1957 non-sport sets. I had never heard of the Isolation Booth set, but just looked them up on Google. They look really cool.

Matt said...

Good luck on the sets! Hopefully the next show won't be so bad!