In my relentless pursuit to be the King of Leon and be the owner of more unique Bip Roberts I am sponsoring a contest for the month of June. I will be awarding prizes on or about July 6th. It is going to be a month long because I am going on vacation for two weeks and when I come back I will assemble the prizes. There will be cards, sets, packs, boxes, action figures, photos and autographs available. Everyone who enters will be eligible to win, all entries will be entered in to the randomizer and randomized 10 since that was the main number Bip wore in his career. First place will be awarded their choice of five prizes, Second place will be awarded their choice of three prizes and Third place will be awarded their choice of two prizes. If there are prizes still left they will be randomly sent to other entrants,
So you ask what are the requirements of this contest. I am looking for the coolest custom Bip Roberts card. I will name one Grand Prize winner. The Grand Prize winner will be the card I like the best and will be awarded a $20 eBay Gift Certificate, everyone else will be entered in the random drawing. If you have previously published a Bip custom it is not eligible. I will display all the prizes on Saturday, June 19. Contest closes at 11:59PM PDT on June 30, 2010. Please email your entries to padrographs at live dot com. Thank you for playing along.
Board Game Friday: Lookin' Back at Kickstarted Things (Volume 10)
It's been quite some time since I did a *Lookin' Back at Kickstarted Things* post
(the last one was back in July of 2024) so why not use today to look at th...
5 hours ago