Joey Manuel Cora Amaro played in 140 games over three seasons with the Padres between 1987-1989. He is currently the bench coach for the White
Sox and many people think he will eventually be a major league manager. I got the card signed when
Las Vegas played in Portland.
Aaron James Coonrod was drafted by the Padres in 2002, played in their minor league through 2004, never getting higher than advanced A. He finished his career in 2005 with the Burlington Expos. I got this off of
eBay, because I must have sent it out 4 or 5 times and never got it back.
Craig Michael Cooper was drafted in 2006 and has worked his way up to playing 1st base for the San Antonio Missions at AA. I got this through the mail cause Craig signed with the green Sharpie that I sent him.
Daniel Bernard Combs was 11-20 over two years with the Padres after being with the .45s' and
Astros for 7 years. 1971 was his last year in the majors. I got this card off of
Scott Robert Coolbaugh was part of the Padres
organization for two years but only played in 60 games at the major league level for the Padres. I don't remember how I got this card signed.
Announcers are constantly calling Alex Cora "Joey Cora"
Tim McCarver has done it on more than one occasion.
Coolbaugh may not have played for a long time, but that looks like a classic baseball-card-batting-stance shot. Nice signature too.
Nice catching up! Thanks for sharing the glory of Padrographs with the world.
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