Luis Lopez, 1996 Leaf Signature; Luis played in 157 games for the Padres from 1993 to 1996.
Rodrigo Lopez, 2000 Fleer; Rodrigo pitched in 6 games for the Padres in 2000.
Mark Loretta, 2003 Topps Total; Mark played in 413 games for the Padres from 2003 to 2005.
Gary Lucas, 1984 Topps; Gary pitched in 230 games for the Padres from 1980 to 1983.
Ryan Ludwick, 2010 Topps; Ryan played in 160 games for the Padres in 2010 and 2011.
Cory Luebke, 2007 Bowman; Cory pitched in 55 games for the Padres from 2010 to 2012.
David Lundquist, 2001 Leaf Rookies and Stars; David pitched in 20 games for the Padres in 2001 and 2002.
Fred Lynn, 1990 Ames All Stars; Fred played in 90 games for the Padres in 1990.
Cumulative Count
Hall of Famers-4
Sets of Brothers-5
Father/Son Combo-1
Didn't play for the Padres-78
Letters done-12
Letters left-14
There will be a brief pause in the blog while I get more cards scanned.
How Will the Reds Fare in 2025?
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