Monday, January 15, 2024

Ohtani traded for Gwynn (and more)


You may remember that I pulled this fine card from one of the blaster boxes that I received for Christmas.  It was part of a Topps buy back program where I could take it to a local card shop and get $100 in store trade for it.  So on January 6, 2024 my granddaughter and I took the 1/2 trip to Hoody's Collectibles in Beaverton.  It seems further away than it really is because of the freeways, the rivers you cross and the socio-economic borders you cross going from where we live to where they are. 

I walked in and handed them the card and they said you can get $100 worth of stuff. So I got all this. A blaster of 2022 Stadium Club Chrome, a Tony Gwynn card, a pack of 2022 Topps Chrome (I think), two packs of 1990 Donruss, a pack of 1982 Fleer, a pack of Cosmic Chrome, two packs of Bowman Platinum Chrome and two packs of dividers so I can sort cards to send out to you guys.

I opened the 1982 Fleer pack first.  I had to use my knife to open it because it was sealed so tightly.
These are the best four cards I got in the pack.  Shooty Babitt because it's a great name and Champ Summers because he was at one time a Padre.  Is anyone building the 1982 Fleer set?

Next was the 2023 Topps Chrome Cosmic.  I had never seen any packs of this before.  Vaguely remember hearing of it.  
Pretty funky design.  I got a former Padre and three guys I hadn't heard of before.  Claim your cards now.  I am keeping a list of all the request and will be mailing stuff out when I get through all the boxes.  

Then there were two packs of 2023 Bowman Platinum Chrome.  

I hadn't heard of these guys before.  But at least I got one of the soon to be Padres in the second pack, I got Drew Thorpe who came to San Diego in the Juan Soto trade.

Then I opened this 2022 Topps Baseball pack.  I got two Hall of Famers both Padres.  This is a pretty cool pack.  

These are the best cards of the two packs of the 1990 Donruss.  

Tony Gwynn Focus Pocus.  I am constantly amazed at Tony's stats. 

All that is left is the box of 2022 Stadium Club Chrome.  
I will be sharing that box in the next post.  


night owl said...

That's a lot of shiny ... except for the 1990 Donruss, of course.

The Angels In Order said...

I would have had a really hard time trading in that card, but you got a lot of cool stuff in return. I wonder what the LCS does with those that get traded in. I can use any spare Angels you don't need, and I do collect the Fleer logo stickers.

Jeremya1um said...

I would be happy with any Rays you can send me. Those Cosmic Chrome cards must be really shiny in hand.

Ryan H said...

Nice Jackson Holliday pull from the Bowman Platinum pack. It seems that Hoody's does a fair amount of business on Ebay. I was watching a few Ripken cards last week they had up for auction, and I won a '97 Circa Rave I'd had on my saved searches for a while.

Matt said...

Great Gwynn! Big fan of that insert!

Fuji said...

It always feels good to pull a Gwynn from a pack. Congratulations!

Damien said...

Glad the Ohtani paid high dividends. That Gwynn is sweet, and I am a fan of the new Josh Jung and Jackson Holliday chrome cards.

Jafronius said...

I too would have a hard time trading in that sweet Ohtani, but you got quite a haul in return! I'm in for any Cubs you get, if no one has claimed them already.