Sunday, December 15, 2024

Hey It's Me

 I am still here and reading your blogs and plotting how to get cards to y'all after Christmas.  I finished the 1969 Topps Football set and am currently working on the 1965 Philadelphia Foot.ball set (I have 30 cards to go).  I have one card for my next set build which is the 1965 Topps football set.  I recently picked up all of the Bowman draft Padres autographs for this year.  I think that will put me over 1,300 Padrographs.  I know that I am getting many boxes of cards for Christmas and will be distributing them among people.  If there is something specific you are interested in please let me know.  

I have not retired from blogging.  I feel busier now than when I was working full time and I can't find time to blog, so I am trying how to make time to blog in the future.  I plan to start again shortly after the holidays.

Thank you for all your friendships.  See you soon.