I haven't forgotten that I have a blog, here or over at readerman.us. We have been remodeling our bathroom and then our remodeling took a three week hiatus when the contractors' brother passed away. I have my Gint a cuffs box and have scored the first 8 packs. I am at 134 points. I am going on my annual reading vacation this coming, I take 12 books and go by myself to a cousins house and read all day, when I am not looking at the nice view.
I also still have a pack of over 50 Marlins cards free for the taking, just let me know if you want them.
Board Game Friday: Lookin' Back at Kickstarted Things (Volume 10)
It's been quite some time since I did a *Lookin' Back at Kickstarted Things* post
(the last one was back in July of 2024) so why not use today to look at th...
5 hours ago