Autograph Frankenset

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Battle Results, new battle, a big mail day and a question

 Tom Lampkin won the battle for the 70th spot in the binder.  All the cards in this post came in the mail in the last week.  First up are cards from Gavin of Baseball Card Breakdown.  Gavin now only lives four miles away on a less busy street so it makes it easier to drop stuff off to him.  I had no cards for spot number seventy-two in the Phrankenset so he sent me three and here they are.  

Barry Evans vs Khalil Greene vs Keith Moreland in this triple threat match.  Remember your votes enter you in a contest.  The prizes are rolling in as 2020 draws to a close.  

Chris the Collector sent over some very nice cards for 2020 Cardmas.

Padrograph #1223 arrived today, a purchase from facebook.  A dealer who travels to Venezuela to get cards signed.  Enrique pitched in four games for the Padres in 2008.  

I received these two cards in a package the other day.  Nothing I ordered anywhere and no name on the envelope.  The return address is on 34 Mile Rd in Armada, Michigan.  Any ideas who might have sent them?

Thanks for stopping by and thank you for your assistance.


  1. Going Keith Moreland here, in a close vote over Barry Evans.

  2. I like the Khalil.

    The mystery cards are from Julie.

  3. Nice pickups! Voting for Barry Evans. He sent me back a nice note when I sent him a ttm request.

  4. Gotta go with the '88 Keith Moreland.

  5. Looks like I'm throwing away my vote on a third-party candidate, but I have to go with Greene for the nice look at those uniforms.

  6. Rod, those are your pickpockets. My apologies if I forgot the note. Actually, I do that randomly just make make my peeps crazy. Oh - and Barry Evans!

  7. This is a tough one! I love the '81 Topps design, but also appreciate the almost 3-D effect of the '88 Topps. Vote goes to Evans.

  8. Tough call. I like the cropped action shot on the Greene... but I like the brown, yellow, and orange on the Evans card slightly more.

  9. Khalil Greene gets my vote for this spot. I always felt he was going to have a breakout season but that never happened.

  10. Never heard of him before and the card is o/c, but Barry Evans for me.

  11. I don't normally care much for the faux snow cards, but that Lucchesi is pretty neat.

  12. I'm going with Greene, I don't know much about Evans and Moreland just doesn't look right outside a Cubs uniform

  13. I'll vote for Khalil Greene, mainly because I wish his big-league career lasted longer.
