Autograph Frankenset

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Padrographs #1125-1127

Friday, Saturday and Monday were good mail days.  In addition to my eBay purchases I got these cards.  Trey Wingenter, came in on Friday.  I had mailed this to him at the tail end of the 2018 season and got it back from Montgomery, Alabama.  It is a custom I made, I decided that the guys who don't have cards I would make in the style of the Heritage cards for the present year.  So extra cards this year will be in the style of 1970.   I am getting ready to send some of them out tomorrow.  Saturday brought the Jordan Lyles card I had made a Heritage card of him last year and haven't gotten it back so I picked this one up on eBay.  Monday brought last years free agent acquisition, Eric Hosmer in the mail.  I had also made a Heritage card of him and sent it to him, but had not received it back either so I picked this up on eBay.  I have a bunch of other customs out of players from the 70's and 80's so I hope I get them back this year.

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