Autograph Frankenset

Monday, April 30, 2012

Testing 1,2,3 Is this thing on?

I have gotten very few responses to my last couple of posts, ever since blogger changed.  I was wondering if anyone is seeing these.  I am trying to give some TONY GWYNN cards away and have had no response. If you read this will you please let me know.


  1. I can see this one, but I know it's been spotty the last week or so. I know for a fact that not all of the blogs I follow are showing up on my dashboard.

  2. Well, this is embarrassing ... you were never on my blogroll.

    I never noticed because you were on my dashboard the whole time. But now you're on both.

    And, no, I don't want any Gwynn cards. :)

  3. I see you! I love gwynn, but I got no padres to send back your way.

  4. this post appeared... but not your trade post in my dashboard.

    I think I may like the Maddux cards... let me see what I can find for you Padre-wise.

  5. your updates were not showing. i thought you quit your blog !
    getting it now, though. :)

  6. I've been reading. I'm just waiting for you to say you have some kind of sick stash of David Wright cards somewhere. Tony Gwynn...what did he ever do for baseball?
