Autograph Frankenset

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Another Important Padre

Joan Beverly Kroc met Ray Kroc in 1957 and married him in 1969.  After his death in 1984 she tried to donate the team to the city of San Diego, but MLBs' old boys club prohibits public ownership of teams.  She sold the team in 1990 and turned to philantrophy.  Click on the link to see some of the amazing things she did with her money.  Back in the late 80's I would write and ask people whos' autograph I wanted if they knew where I could get a photo of them to get signed and sometimes they would send me a signed picture.  That guy in the background sent me an outtake from a photoshoot for a bank calendar, Dave Dravecky sent me a signed, signed and numbered Christopher Paulso print and Mrs. Kroc sent me this.  I got this from her back in 1987, I can tell because of the inscription.  I have many photos signed Happy Birthday, cause that is what I would ask them to sign.  I will scan some more of my 8X10 collection and feature them.  I think the first birthday I have signed photos from is my 30th in 1987 and the latest for my 36th in 1993.  After that they are just signed.

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