Autograph Frankenset

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Billy Ray Baseball

William Michael Hogan was drafted by the Padres in the fifth round of the 2003 draft.  He played with 4 teams in two years in the Padres organization, never rising higher than A ball.  2005 & 2006 there is no record of him playing, although I believe he was playing for the University of Venus and Mars. During 2007 & 2008 he played in a couple of independent leagues.  I got the card signed through the mail.

Ray Arthur Holbert was dedicated to the game of baseball.  He has 5 years of major league service but that five years consist of only 115 games.  He played for San Diego, Kansas City, Montreal and the Braves in the majors. He played 13 seasons in the minor leagues with all those organizations and a few others.  He was drafted in 1988, made his major league debut in 1994 and played through 2000.  I think I got this signed through the mail. 

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