Autograph Frankenset

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Customs Page 5

Still trying to figure out the correct fonts to use.  Also figuring out how to remove backgrounds fully and partially.  No stories to go with these round of cards


  1. Do you use Photoshop at all to erase your backgrounds? Once you get used to it, it's fairly easy to use.

  2. These look good to me! If I remember right Steve Christmas was seen as the heir apparent to Johnny Bench at one point -- guess that didn't happen.

  3. That 60T Burwell looks perfect. Doesn't even look like a custom.

  4. As far as fonts, I have the ones for each set listed on the set pages on the sidebar of my blog, and also the Custom Card page on Facebook has a photo album with all of the Topps ones from 1951-2019. I think you have to be a member in order to view it, but here is the link to it.
