Autograph Frankenset

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

What I am Reading

I am still reading 12 Rules For Life, this should be the last week you see it here.  I am in the middle of Rule 12.  
I am usually a one book at a time reader but right now I am reading multiple books at the same time although one of them I am reading in bite size portions.  
Every morning when I get up I read the daily reading in The One Year Bible, so each morning I get some from the Old Testament, some from the New Testament, a Psalm and a snippet from Proverbs.  I like this particular book because it has wide lined margins so I can write easily in it.  
After I am done with that I read some in When I Don't Desire God by John Piper.  I typically read a page or less, because John Piper is so deep that I usually have to read things twice before I understand them. 
I am still reading 12 Rules for Life twice a day, at lunch time and before I go to sleep at night.  I think I should finish it tomorrow and have something new to read by Friday.  


  1. I bought one of those "read the Bible in a year" books a long time ago. Ended up letting an ex-girlfriend borrow it and never got it back. It's okay though... I have about 15 books stacked up in my office waiting for me to read one day. I'm going to guess that only three or four will actually get read. I'm more of a blog reader kind of guy than a book reader. By the way... I'm planning a trip out to Portland sometime this summer. I'll shoot you an email when I nail down the details. I'd love to stop by your bookstore and check it out.
