Autograph Frankenset

Monday, January 25, 2010

Hammond, Hampson, Hansen & Hardy, Attorneys at Law, No Just Former Padres

Christopher Andrew Hammond was the basis for a friendship I formed when I was working at a card shop.  Jim Hammond was a baseball fan whose first grandchild was also named Chris Hammond.  Jim would come in and buy whatever cards where available of Chris Hammond.  Chris played one season for San Diego in 2005, going 5-1 although he was a middle reliever.  I got this signed through the mail.

Justin Michael Hampson pitched 2 seasons for the Padres in 2007 & 2008 after being picked up off  waviers from the Rockies.  He was 4-4 for the Padres before being released, he played in the minor leagues for Oakland during 2009.  I got this card off of eBay.

David Andrew Hansen was a longtime Dodger who played a season and a half for the Padres in 2003 and 2004.  He finished his playing career with the Mariners, he is now the minor league hitting coordinator for the Diamondbacks.  I am not sure how I accquired this card.

Howard Lawrence Hardy had a much shorter major league career than I thought.  He only played three major league seasons after being drafted by the Padres in 1970.  He was traded from the Padres to the Astros for Doug Rader after the 1975 season.  I got this signed through the mail a few years ago.

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