Autograph Frankenset

Sunday, May 21, 2023

World Series Heroes

 Last weekend I went to the card show at Lloyd Center.  I sold a Daniel Bryan autographed card, so I bought a few things.  Mostly packs so I will be showing the packs and what was in them.  First off is a World Series Heroes pack from 2002. 

World Series Hero Mickey Mantle adorns the cover of the pack.  I got his autograph once at a show here in Portland.  I did not pull one of the Classic World Match-Up Jersey that were inserted 1:240 packs.

Each back features a write up like this.

First up is Chuck Knoblauch of the Minnesota Twins.  I forgot about Knobbers heroics in the 1991 series.  I seem to remember that he got a case of the yips that ended his career.  I remember going to a card show that he and Fred Biletnikoff were signing at.  

Next is the Crime Dog and new Hall of Fame member Fred McGriff.  I remember Fred as a member of the Padres from 1990-1993.  He then went on to become a vital part of the Braves and their World Series win in 1995 over the team formerly known as the Indians.

Pat Hentgen performed his heroics against the Phillies in the 1993 series.  He pitched in one game in the series, going six innings for the win.

Lou Boudreau had six hits in the World Series in 1948, four of them for extra bases as Cleveland defeated the Boston Braves.  

Bernie Williams helped the Yankees to a four game sweep of the Braves in 1999. The Yankees were 11-1 in the postseason that year.  I was still upset with the Evil Empire after they swept the Padres in the series the year before.  
 Next up will be a pack of 1992 Stadium Club Football I picked up.