Autograph Frankenset

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas, to Everyone

 Merry Christmas to all.  I hope you find the cards you wanted under the tree.  Aren't we lucky that Christmas falls between the end of the World Series and the beginning of Spring Training.  Only 48 days to go. 

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Hey It's Me

 I am still here and reading your blogs and plotting how to get cards to y'all after Christmas.  I finished the 1969 Topps Football set and am currently working on the 1965 Philadelphia Foot.ball set (I have 30 cards to go).  I have one card for my next set build which is the 1965 Topps football set.  I recently picked up all of the Bowman draft Padres autographs for this year.  I think that will put me over 1,300 Padrographs.  I know that I am getting many boxes of cards for Christmas and will be distributing them among people.  If there is something specific you are interested in please let me know.  

I have not retired from blogging.  I feel busier now than when I was working full time and I can't find time to blog, so I am trying how to make time to blog in the future.  I plan to start again shortly after the holidays.

Thank you for all your friendships.  See you soon.