Autograph Frankenset

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Three new Padrographs, ever closer to 1K

Manuel Margot, one of the top 30 prospects in the Padres system, came to the Padres in a trade with the Red Sox.
Josh Spence, an Aussie who pitched for the Padres in 2011 and 2012.
Chad Reineke, pitched for the Padres in 2008.
I purchased all three of these cards on eBay.  This brings me to 986 unique Padrographs.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

All Star Day 2016

12:35 PM There are two days I take off every year.  The second Tuesday of July and November 11. Got the basics of the Honey Do list done before noon.  Then the festivities began with the mail delivery.  2016 Bowman Inception Manuel Margot autograph which makes 983 Padrographs.  Also today came a book that I am looking forward to reading.

12:45 PM Eating my ASG lunch, Chili Cheese Dogs and watching a baseball movie, one I have never seen before, For Love of the Game with Kevin Costner and Kelly Preston.  

 1:53 PM, For Love of the Game is not really a baseball movie, but a love story with a little bit of baseball in it, but hey John C Reilly and JK Simmons are in it.

3:00 PM, that was a pretty good movie.  The baseball was well done.  You could really tell when it was made by the off field apparel.  The only downer part was when Billy Chapel flashed back to the 1984 World Series against the Padres.  I was going to watch another movie but there really isn't enough time.  So I will just watch TV until the pregame show starts.

4:39 PM, the Pregame has started and so far not too impressed.

4:48 PM, introducing the lineups, Andy Green gives the NL an advantage?  Knowing the park better than anyone.  Lots of Dodger fans at the game. Big shout out for Fernando Rodney from the crowd. Colon gets a big pop too.  Drew Pomeranz get huge pop. Stasburg, hometown kid gets a big pop.

4:52 PM, AL intro, Miggy gets lots of applause, Yankees get taller and taller,

4:54 PM, NL starters, Bring Back the Brown, Wil Myers get huge pop, but I like the Kids unis better.

4:57 PM, filling out the line with all the sailors.  some players high cuffed, none of the kids are though  Some of the players having great fun with the kids with them, especially Big Papi.  Nice shiny gold pieces on Perez's catching gear

5:03 PM, national anthem, who is Rachel Patten?  kids are self conscious when the camera gets in their face.  She forgot the last two words, Play Ball! Nice flyover, another commercial.

5:08 PM, Dick Enberg celebrating Rod Carew and Tony Gwynn with new Batting Championship trophies.  Crying while watching the tribute to Tony.  The crowd chants Tony's name.  Cool looking statues.  Commisioner Manfred seemed to be moved also.

5:17 PM All Star Memories with the players.  34 first time all star, 27 players under 26,

See you after the game.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

5 more Padrographs


Kevin Pickford pitched 16 games for the Padres in 2002.  That is the extent of his major league career.
Wes Gardner pitched in 14 games for the Padres in 1991.  He had previously played for the Mets and Red Sox.  He finished his career in 1991 with three games for the Rockies.
Ron Taylor finished his major league career with 4 games in San Diego in 1972.  He made his major league debut in 1962 with Cleveland and then played with the Cardinals, Astros and Mets before finishing with the Padres.
Donn Roach made his major league debut in 2014 with the Padres, pitching in 16 games.  He then went on play with the Mets and is pitching in the Mariners system this year.
Carlos Villanueva is pitching for the Padres this year.  He made his major league debut back in 2006 with the Brewers and before coming to San Diego also played with Toronto and the Cubs.
These five cards bring me to  982 Padrographs
Only 18 more and I will be at 1000.